You can't be in a beautiful relationship ... remaining connected to your past ... romanian author Adrian Dumitru

You can't be in a beautiful relationship ... remaining connected to your past ... romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Blog Article

The meaning of life is most certainly to have … certain experiences.

Some of them … look unimportant.

Some … are much stronger … having a tremendous impact on us.

Some are about … love.

Unfortunately … or fortunately … in the nowadays era … we don’t have just one relationship … during a lifetime.

Yes … things change.

We experience love with X, Y, Z … etc etc.

We even have … seriously relationships … believing all will last … a life time.

But ….

I know … all is temporary.

We deeply connect … being strongly in love.

We feel … the infinite.

Unfortunately … one day … something happens … and all comes to an end.

We break up … but souls remain connected.

We … hate it.

… suffering in silence.

The passing of time makes us again … believe in new beginnings.

So … X is replaced with Y.

Then Y with Z … etc etc.

And … we love again …

Even … stronger.

We trend to believe again … that this is the love of our life.

Sooner or later …. some ghosts from the past … appear on the stage of our lives.

Receiving a phone call from an ex partner … or WhatsApp message or simple see that partner in traffic.

… interfering.

Connecting us again … to the past experiences … and somehow disconnecting us from the … now.

We treat all … as normality.

But … maybe is not.

Soon after … we feel … that things in that beautiful relationship which we have today … are not anymore the same.

It’s not the same energy.

So … we pretend …. we don’t understand what is going on …

Of course … we don’t like that the energy of the now is not the same anymore …. but maybe the secret is to just admit that connecting on beautifully nostalgic energies from past … we just can’t be anymore well connected into the beauty of now.

Most probably all is a choice.

Past is past.

And …. no matter how beautiful it was … all is simple history …

It represents … a dead connection.

So … why should we interfere with those energies … bringing influences into the now … if the disconnection happened … and most certainly we’ll not reconnect for real anymore?!

The dance of energies … is very interesting … but we don’t pay enough attention to it.

I do … the same.

Mixing realities … and … many, many times … ruining the energies of the now.

… not being conscious of our actions .

In fact … like many, many others.

Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

… seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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